Monday, March 29, 2010


sunrise in Thailand

I got back from Chailand* last night, jet-lagged but happy to be home, and amused at finding only glamorous things like champagne and lemons when I opened the fridge in a fit of hunger.

Now, here I am, wide awake at 7:00 AM (unusual for me, to say the least), as I have been since 3:00 this morning. I've already been grocery shopping and to Starbucks (how I've missed thee, darling vanilla latte).

It was a good vacation. I couldn't blog while there, due to the fact that blogger is blocked in China, as is Facebook, but that's another story. I will share more about everything soon, but I really can't right now as my mind is in a state of muddled confusion (I don't know what time it is, I'm on a sugar high from all the candy I bought in Hong Kong that I've been eating nonstop {STOP!}, I may or may not be really hungry, and my head hurts for no explicable reason).

I've missed the blog world and all the wonderful people in it and look forward to catching up slowly. For now, I leave you with another Thailand sunrise picture, this one with us in it, in which we are suffering from morning face and morning hair but are happy.

Good night! Or good morning, or whatever.

*China + Thailand = Chailand

Thursday, March 11, 2010

in which i procrastinate

I'll be leaving for China tomorrow (very excited) with my hub. We'll be there for a week and a half and then it's off to Thailand for 4 days to celebrate our 3rd (!) anniversary.
There is much to be done today, don't ask me why I'm sitting here drinking my latte and writing this post.
So I'm just going to leave you with a few random things and thoughts:

-This house is one of the my favorites (if not my very favorite) I've seen. It has pretty much everything I love as far as design elements go. Open layout, lots of white, lots of wood, so much creativity. If you read about everything they've done in the house, it is RIDICULOUS. (in a good way. But almost in a way that makes you jealous of their ambition because unfortunately you lack the ambition to do the same in your own home). Check it. (I just said "check it". Haha.)

-I'm excited about reading a lot on vacation. I never allow myself time to read. I have four books I'm taking with me (at least).

-This picture from the Sartorialist disproves the "less is more" statement and the rules they make about wearing only one statement piece. Okay, sometimes less really is more, but in this case, I'm really glad she wore giant earrings and giant necklaces and giant rings. It just plain works.

-Also excited to catch up on sleep.

-This could be the coolest thing I've ever seen. I exaggerate, but still. Look closely. Aha!

by Margaret Shepherd

-Maybe I'll even write some letters while I'm gone. You can't beat the feeling of getting a good old fashioned hand-written letter in the mail. Especially if it's pretty.

-I should really get packing. I only have to find a way to only pack 30 pounds of luggage. Like toiletries and shoes and everything. 30 pounds. For two weeks. Hum. This should be interesting. I'll let you know if I just give up and stay home.

-Any good music suggestions for my lovely 16-hour flight?

Hope you have a delightful day!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

a peek inside

Just decided to pick out some of my favorites from the latest Elle magazine and share them (and my little overly-excited thoughts about them) with youuuu!

They totally remind me of those awesome Marc by Marc Jacobs boots.

(Nine West)

But it could never be as good as the original:

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

christine centenera

(fashion editor for Harper's Bazaar Australia)

Girl gets it right every time.